
Our Impact On The Wider World


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)

Our diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) agenda is fuelled by our HEART (Honesty, Excellence, Accountability, Respect, Teamwork) principles.  At Bright Horizons, we value and celebrate the unique experiences, perspectives, and identities of every individual in our diverse family.

Our passionate group of DEIB Champions 
are active in developing opportunities for the benefit of us all. Together, we strive to ensure our work and early years environments are welcoming, inclusive, and equitable.

Find out more in our People’s Charter which articulates our commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in all our interactions, with employees, children, parents, carers, clients, suppliers and partners. 

Bright Horizons Foundation for Children

Every year one million children in the UK are made homeless, and one in 10 children live in overcrowded households with no access to safe play. As a company that exists to give children and their families the best possible future, we want to help, and we love that our people feel the same and contribute in many, varied ways.

The Bright Horizons Foundation for Children supports children, families and communities, beyond the normal reach of our childcare centres and parenting programmes. We work to end repeat cycles of temporary and inadequate accommodation, protect children from domestic abuse and support families in crisis. Since 2005, we have helped to improve the lives of thousands of children, but there’s always more work to be done.

For more information, take a look:

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Bright Beginnings Curriculum

Designed by our Early Years specialists, our enriching and wellbeing focused Bright Beginnings Curriculum aims to give children the very best start.

Building on the foundations of the government’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, it combines a wide range of activities to nurture and develop the skills your child needs to flourish and reach their full potential.

This holistic yet personal approach supports each child's development and progress - whether that's building academic skills, the confidence to move rooms, personal resilence, or preparing them for school. 

For more information, take a look:
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Future Earth Programme

Our core mission is to nurture children to fulfill their potential and embrace their futures with confidence and optimism. To do so, children need a world that is sustainable and thriving.

Our Future Earth Agenda brings together individuals from across our Bright Horizons family and business to help minimise our environmental impact and work towards a greener and more sustainable tomorrow.

Early Childhood
Our Early Childhood Eco-Champions work collaboratively with colleagues across our Nurseries to engage with an accredited Early Years sustainability programme, which enables nurseries to achieve ‘green flag’ status, as they make positive changes to their practice. They also provide guidance with our Bright Beginnings curriculum, which promotes Loose Parts Play and Outdoor Play, to encourage less waste and provide more opportunities for sustainable learning.

Reward and Wellbeing
We aim to design our company benefits to promote sustainability while supporting our colleagues. Initiatives such as Cycle to Work and Season Ticket advances on public transport are all programs to help promote our colleagues while supporting our environment.

We work to support and uphold sustainability measures through the design, construction and maintenance of our nursery facilities. Our Facilities team works to monitor unnecessary usage and waste across the business.
We seek to identify settings that are considered ‘high users’ so we can support them in becoming more sustainable, as well as recognising those settings that are most efficient with their energy usage.

We look to reduce the environmental impact of purchasing and procurement decisions with the aim to integrate environmental stewardship, social equity and fiscal responsibility. We seek to work with environmentally conscious and committed suppliers and encourage our team to integrate sustainable vendors and practices when selecting the best supplier to meet our business needs.

Work and Family
We are pleased to be on a journey of becoming a more sustainable business and look to be a “partner of choice” for like-minded companies who prioritise sustainability.